The animated King of the Underworld is an animatronic sold by Home Depot for the 2021 season. It is likely to be sold in Home Depot’s United States locations and possibly Canada’s Home Depots. It resembles a twisted king with menacing eyes, a crown fit for a monarch, long white hair, a long white beard, zombified skeletal skin, a jet black cloak, and a skeletal scepter. When activated the king has a moving mouth and torso to startle any watchers and he speaks one of three spooky phrases in a startling ordering voice. He is best suited with the Queen of the Underworld.
- “Ah, you there, chance to have a soul that you can part with? We have worked the ones we have so thin, they are getting ragged and crumple under my cruel punishments. What’s your price? I have a lot of money... it’s patience that I lack. Huh huh huh...”
- “Bow down, you petulant gutter snipe! I may be the King of the Lowest depths of the underworld, but you are yet lower...or soon will be, once I have you with your other pitiful kind, laboring in the furnaces of the underworld.”“
- ” “Do not get on the bad side of the Underworld King! Perhaps you can curry my favor with some groveling and pleading? It’s doubtful that it will work, but you should try every option. Oh sure, running away also works...for a short while... Huh huh huh!”
- He, along with most of the Home Depot 2021 animatronics, were leaked sometime around June 28th.