The Emperor of Souls, also known as the Death King, is an

animated halloween decoration made in 2019. It is a skeleton king sitting in a throne decorated with skulls and bones. When activated, the king looks side to side as his eyes light up and his mouth moves while speaking a phrase.
- Yes, yes proceed to enter. You are right to shiver before me. I am judge, jury, and executioner all in one. But my verdicts are all the same: DEATH, DEATH, and DEATH! Hahaha! It’s good to be king!
- Haven’t you learned it’s proper to bow before your king, especially one that has the power to send you to the Kingdom of the Underworld? You will have plenty of time learning your manners, tending to the pits of hell! Hahaha.
- In my well-run kingdom, there is a place for everyone to call their own. Will it be the stockade or the dungeon for you? Perhaps your head at the end of a pike? So many options! Let me know which you would try first. Hahaha.
Where it Was Sold[]
This item was sold at Spirit in 2019.
Emperor Of Souls- Spirit Halloween