Deadwood the animated tree is an animated halloween item
made in 2014, 2015 and 2016. It is a large gray tree with a face and red eyes. When activated, the tree moves around in a circular motion at the waist as it's eyes light up and mouth moves while speaking a scary phrase.
- Where do You think You are going? You are trespassing on the cursed grounds of the undead. My roots feed on those that have been swallowed up by it's foul earth. Don't worry, I will put the nutrients of Your rotting corpse to good use! Mwahhahahahaha!
- Do You know your way through this rotted bog? I would point the way, but I'd prefer for You to linger under my sharp branches for a little longer. Why don't You take a rest there on the ground while I watch over you. Nothing bad will happen.
- I haven't seen a traveler yet to trespass in these evil parts and get out alive, at least not resembling themselves. Though You might get lucky. The hideous curses of these grounds might transform You into something better, something like Me!
Where it Was Sold[]
This item was sold at Spirit in 2014, 2015 and 2016 and Halloween express in those years as well. Spirit continued to sell extra stock of the tree online until 2018.
- It's name is based on the redwood tree, a tree found in America that grows to massive sizes.
- This prop is voiced by Mike Reynolds.