The Animated Brewing Witch Trio is a animatronic that has been sold some time between 2015-2018 and has had many variants. They were sold in Grandin Road's Halloween Haven, Costco, Home Depot (as the Enchanting Witch Trio variant) and on Spirit Halloween’s online store under the name "the Stitchwick Sisters". The witches clothing often ranged from color-to-color but the most common was green for the left witch, black for the center witch and purple for the right witch. The witches' hair colors from left to right was white, black with white highlights, and red. When activated, the center witches mouth moves to hexes while her two sisters laugh and their eyes and cauldron lights up. There’s a option to change the witches voice from English, French, Spanish and generic Halloween sounds that lack any phrases.
Places Sold[]
It was sold online and in store between 2015-2018 with its most notable store being Costco, where it was sold in 2016. It was also sold through online in Spirit Halloween where they were called “the Stitchwick sisters” and Grandin Road where it was called the Animated Brewing Witch Trio.
- ”Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble. Round about the cauldron goes, in the poison entrails flow, sweltered venom, sleeping got, boiled bell burnt in the charmed pot! (They cackle)”
- “Another foolish child dare to trespass on this wicked place? Here now a spell to remove that smile from your pretty face. Hoggles and haggerdash and eyes of a crow! All powers are mine now, and all that YOU know.”
- ”Ah. My next ingredient has arrived! For you, my spell no longer deprived. Your youth and flesh the only price, to insure me of ETERNAL LIFE! (They cackle)”